EO Web Style Guide

This web style guide is a comprehensive overview of all web elements and patterns used for creating web pages and web application at the Entrepreneurs' Organization. This guide serves as a resource to bring together EO web properties to help define their visual and stylistics components. It can also be used as a tool to provide a great starting point for front-end components commonly used by EO web design team and providing standard and principles to follow.

This guide is presented as a single page with navigation to the right that can be used to move into each section.



The Entrepreneurs' Organization logo consists of the graphic element of "EO," with the orange tachometer, three dots above the "O" and the stacked words "Entrepreneurs' Organization." More information on general brand and print guidelines can be found on the communication resources page. This web style guide focuses primarily on web guidelines, but does include different iteration of EO logo avaialble below.

Primary Logo



Stacked Logo



EO Logo Only



Color Palette

Colors available for designing interfaces are available below. Designs should mostly rely on the primary color palette with secondary and notification colors available to help differentiate elements or give status of interface. Gradient backgrounds can also be used as a main focal point in the layout.

Primary Color Palette

EO Web Orange

HEX #E05B18

EO Web Black

HEX #363636

EO Web Grey


EO Blue

HEX #007AC9

EO Yellow


EO Pink

HEX #C50084


Secondary Color Palette



Dark Grey

HEX #565A5C

Cool Grey




EO Green

HEX #7AB800

EO Dark Green

HEX #024731

EO Dark Blue

HEX #003c69

EO Dark Red

HEX #822433


Notification and Status Colors

Red - Error

HEX #ee4035

Green - Status

HEX #3bb878

Grey - Secondary

HEX #e9e9e9

Light Orange

HEX #eea982

Light Blue

HEX #92afdb

Light Yellow

HEX #F8de6e


Gradient Backgrounds


Gradient: Blue to Pink

Gradient: Blue to Dark Blue

Gradient: Orange to Pink





This section briefly goes over font-families and elememt sizing.



4 Iterations of the Futura font-family are loaded into the DOM using CSS3 @font-face.

Futura Light

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Futura Light Italics

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Futura Medium

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Futura Medium Italics

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0



Font-sizes are relative to the HTML font-size root of 16px or 1em. Paragraphs have a font-size of 1rem.

Sizing for Headers on desktop are H1: 3.188rem, H2: 2.75rem, H3: 2.25rem, H4: 1.75rem, H5: 1.313rem, H6: 1rem

Sizing for Headers on mobile are H1: 2.438rem, H2: 2.125rem, H3: 1.688rem, H4: 1.25rem, H5: 1.063rem, H6: 0.938rem

Heading H1

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H4

Heading H5
Heading H6
H6 – Subheader
H5 – Subheader

H4 – Subheader

H3 – Subheader

H2 – Subheader

H1 – Subheader

Heading H1 – up

Heading H2 – up

Heading H3 – up

Heading H4 – up

Heading H5 – up
Heading H6 – up
H6 – Subheader – up
H5 – Subheader – up

H4 – Subheader – up

H3 – Subheader – up

H2 – Subheader – up

H1 – Subheader

Heading and Paragraphs can also have their color property changed by adding classes like .blue, .orange, .pink, etc. There is also a class called subheader seen above that changes color to light grey and adjust the font-weight. Also note that .up class that changes the text to uppercase on an element.

Heading H1

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H1 – up

Heading H2 – up

Heading H3 – up



Links and Lists

This section goes over the basic link styles and some styles available for lists.


Basic Links

Links within text are styled in EO Orange Color with no text-decoration.

On dark backgrounds, links should be styled as seen here with text decoration


List Styles

The below classes are used to create style lists that can be used through the interface.


list-angle class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas

list-angle grey class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas

list-angle orange class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas

list-angle-double class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas

list-angle-double grey class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas

list-angle-double orange class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas

list-plus class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas

list-plus grey class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas

list-plus orange class

  • Ancillae scriptorem assueverit dissentiet
  • Vis mutat dolorem referren turtantas
  • An exerci dictas quaerendum his nonumy
  • Te has dicta audiam maiorum dolorem
  • Falli veritus insolens nec ex tantas




Buttons and Form Components

This section outlines the styles used on interfaces containing forms



Simple styles for buttons generally used in three flavors. Orange buttons should be used first as the primary call to action on a page. Dark buttons are used as a second option for a call to action, followed by grey buttons that used if a third differentiation is needed on a page.



Below you will see some common layouts and patterns used on forms.

User Details Sample

Helper text that can be used to show additional information. Right below the form input to help some.

Some More Examples

No Image has been Added.

Browse Upload Choose Default Image
Please Enter Your Email in the Proper Format



There are some additional dropdown styles that have been included in the interfaces.







JS Components

Below are components that have been created to aid in layout; all of which rely on jQuery

Image Cross Fade

Two Images can be cross fade with each other



Content can be group and stored in a collapsable containers

Option Number One

Enjoy this Content

Suspendisse sit amet ex ac enim pellentesque laoreet. Integer vulputate magna diam. Cras et lorem ipsum. Fusce nibh orci, posuere nec urna quis, placerat suscipit dui. Vivamus dictum, magna ut aliquam posuere, nulla turpis euismod diam, quis dapibus turpis nisl at lectus. Phasellus consectetur elit ut condimentum interdum. Maecenas quis sem vel dolor elementum faucibus auctor vitae dui. Donec sodales enim at mauris posuere fermentum. Duis aliquet maximus nunc in mollis.

Nunc efficitur tempor tempus. Fusce et faucibus lorem, vitae cursus tellus. In et nisl maximus urna placerat porta. Nam iaculis pretium felis, ut aliquet ex laoreet quis. Vestibulum luctus ante sit amet diam varius, vel tincidunt sem maximus. Nam varius turpis vitae urna tristique blandit. Etiam in urna nulla. Pellentesque vitae congue libero.

Option Number Two

Second PIece of Content

Suspendisse sit amet ex ac enim pellentesque laoreet. Integer vulputate magna diam. Cras et lorem ipsum. Fusce nibh orci, posuere nec urna quis, placerat suscipit dui. Vivamus dictum, magna ut aliquam posuere, nulla turpis euismod diam, quis dapibus turpis nisl at lectus.

Option Number Three

Even More Content

Suspendisse sit amet ex ac enim pellentesque laoreet. Integer vulputate magna diam. Cras et lorem ipsum. Fusce nibh orci, posuere nec urna quis, placerat suscipit dui. Vivamus dictum, magna ut aliquam posuere, nulla turpis euismod diam, quis dapibus turpis nisl at lectus. Phasellus consectetur elit ut condimentum interdum. Maecenas quis sem vel dolor elementum faucibus auctor vitae dui.



Content can be group and contained in clickable tabs

Tab 1
Tab 2
Tab 3
Tab 4

This is the first panel of the basic tab example. You can place all sorts of content here including a grid.

This is the second panel of the basic tab example. This is the second panel of the basic tab example.

This is the third panel of the basic tab example. This is the third panel of the basic tab example.

This is the fourth panel of the basic tab example. This is the fourth panel of the basic tab example.



Pop-up windows that can be used throughout the interface and customized as needed



Additional UI Components



Use to show status or location within interface.


You Are Currently Editing the Page

You Are Currently View this Backend

Switch to Front-End

The update you performed was successful ×
There may be an issue with the update your performed ×
Here is some information about the update ×
There was a problem with the update your performed ×



Simple pagination to show page location and ability to move to other pages.




Used to group and hold content.

Here is a New Section

Nam eget vestibulum diam. Nullam odio purus, gravida fringilla efficitur sed, porta ut diam. Pellentesque nec odio quis nisl convallis pellentesque nec a felis. Donec vitae pretium augue. Cras felis lorem, commodo at lobortis sed, consequat sed nisl.

Here is a New Section

Nam eget vestibulum diam. Nullam odio purus, gravida fringilla efficitur sed, porta ut diam. Pellentesque nec odio quis nisl convallis pellentesque nec a felis. Donec vitae pretium augue. Cras felis lorem, commodo at lobortis sed, consequat sed nisl.

Here is a New Section

Nam eget vestibulum diam. Nullam odio purus, gravida fringilla efficitur sed, porta ut diam. Pellentesque nec odio quis nisl convallis pellentesque nec a felis. Donec vitae pretium augue. Cras felis lorem, commodo at lobortis sed, consequat sed nisl.

Here is a New Section

Nam eget vestibulum diam. Nullam odio purus, gravida fringilla efficitur sed, porta ut diam. Pellentesque nec odio quis nisl convallis pellentesque nec a felis. Donec vitae pretium augue. Cras felis lorem, commodo at lobortis sed, consequat sed nisl.


Content Blocks

Colorful ways to accent content throughout the interface.


Highlights and Labels

Highlights and labels allow for a way to accent text or create a tag with content.


Text that is highlighted in a nice way.

Text that is highlighted in a different color.

Text that is highlighted in an even different color.

Heading that is highlighted in a light way

Heading that is highlighted in a light way

An Orange Label An Orange Label An Orange Label An Orange Label An Orange Label An Orange Label

A Blue label A Blue label A Blue label A Blue label A Blue label

A Dark label A Dark label A Dark label



Title/Heading with Lines

The title/heading with line style provides a way to create natural divisions within the layout. Below you will see some examples of what is available in the UI.

Title With Line

Nunc bibendum aliquet lectus, vel efficitur dolor scelerisque eu. Suspendisse ut consectetur purus. Maecenas et justo quis eros venenatis egestas a eget ex. Link to Something Nam egestas placerat ex, quis fermentum purus finibus eget. Nulla gravida, libero in dictum mattis, lectus lorem maximus orci, vel condimentum magna ipsum tristique tellus. Nunc aliquam tempor consectetur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam et leo at ligula accumsan convallis. Donec a viverra nisi. Maecenas gravida, lectus vel venenatis eleifend, lectus urna bibendum risus, vel rutrum arcu diam iaculis libero.

Title With Double Line

Nunc bibendum aliquet lectus, vel efficitur dolor scelerisque eu. Suspendisse ut consectetur purus. Maecenas et justo quis eros venenatis egestas a eget ex. Link to Something Nam egestas placerat ex, quis fermentum purus finibus eget. Nulla gravida, libero in dictum mattis, lectus lorem maximus orci, vel condimentum magna ipsum tristique tellus. Nunc aliquam tempor consectetur.

Title Just Center

Nunc bibendum aliquet lectus, vel efficitur dolor scelerisque eu. Suspendisse ut consectetur purus. Maecenas et justo quis eros venenatis egestas a eget ex. Link to Something Nam egestas placerat.

Title Just Center

Nunc bibendum aliquet lectus, vel efficitur dolor scelerisque eu. Suspendisse ut consectetur purus. Maecenas et justo quis eros venenatis egestas a eget ex. Link to Something Nam egestas placerat.

Title Just Center

Nunc bibendum aliquet lectus, vel efficitur dolor scelerisque eu. Suspendisse ut consectetur purus. Maecenas et justo quis eros venenatis egestas a eget ex. Link to Something Nam egestas placerat.



Used to treat a quote.


I love EO! Not only am I surrounded by entrepreneurs with plenty of experiences to share, but the global-networking opportunities and exposure for my business are priceless!

Reghard Goussard
EO South Africa – Cape Town​​



Font Awesome Icons can be used through the interface.





Layout and Data Display



The EO UI utilizes the Foundation 5 grid system that allows for a 12-column layout that works across all devices and can be nested. Simple examples can be seen below; classes can be applied to allow for very complex layouts in standard 12 column fashion. Columns can be defined for large, medium, small layouts. Also centered columns, collapsable rows, and incomplete rows can be used to aid in layouts.


Block Grid

Block grid allows you to create continuous rows of content that can be evenly spaced and in different numbers based on screen size.


Hero Banner

Generally used at the top of a page under the navigation. The image below show a grid used to help design the banner.

Hero Banner

Displayed @ 1600 x 280px
Created @ 3200 x 560px for Retina
Viewable Width @ 1000px / 62.5em


Side Navigation

A side navigation can be used to create a secondary navigation within a sub-site. The styling for a side nav can be seen belo for both the left and right sides of a page.



Title of Fake Content

Suspendisse sit amet urna congue, sodales lorem vel, venenatis est. Nunc sed cursus sem. In neque lectus, posuere non porta id, ullamcorper eget lorem. Morbi vitae nibh est. Morbi sit amet nunc eu turpis sagittis faucibus. Sed ut tincidunt dolor. Maecenas tincidunt turpis sit amet aliquam aliquam. Nulla facilisi. Quisque sollicitudin auctor enim vel venenatis. Proin massa quam, fermentum vitae convallis ornare, viverra vel mi. Proin dapibus, nibh consectetur laoreet suscipit, augue tortor elementum eros, vitae rutrum erat augue vel leo. Sed ipsum augue, mollis ac ipsum a, ultricies maximus massa. Nullam commodo arcu a dui facilisis viverra. Mauris aliquam dolor sem, ut pellentesque neque pretium in.



Title of Fake Content

Suspendisse sit amet urna congue, sodales lorem vel, venenatis est. Nunc sed cursus sem. In neque lectus, posuere non porta id, ullamcorper eget lorem. Morbi vitae nibh est. Morbi sit amet nunc eu turpis sagittis faucibus. Sed ut tincidunt dolor. Maecenas tincidunt turpis sit amet aliquam aliquam. Nulla facilisi. Quisque sollicitudin auctor enim vel venenatis. Proin massa quam, fermentum vitae convallis ornare, viverra vel mi. Proin dapibus, nibh consectetur laoreet suscipit, augue tortor elementum eros, vitae rutrum erat augue vel leo. Sed ipsum augue, mollis ac ipsum a, ultricies maximus massa. Nullam commodo arcu a dui facilisis viverra. Mauris aliquam dolor sem, ut pellentesque neque pretium in.



There are style available for tables.

Column Heading Column Heading 2 Column Heading 3
Some Content Here Some Content Here Some Content Here
Some Content Here Some Content Here Some Content Here
Some Content Here Some Content Here Some Content Here


Data Item Lister

Useful as a replacement for tables or modular data in admin/backend views.




Some Item

Some Person

Some Item

Some Person

Some Item

Some Person


Graphs and Charts

CSS and JS used to construct graphs and charts on EO web platform is not included in the base components. Below you will find image captures of charts that were built for EO web projects utilizing CSS/JS.