Languages and Translation

Languages + Translation

EO’s Official Languages

English | Simplified Chinese / Mandarin | Japanese | Spanish | Portuguese

Language + Translation Guidelines

Please use these guidelines when creating translated documents to ensure there is a consistent brand experience across all languages and cultures within the EO community.

All Latin and Arabic alphanumeric words, characters and glyphs should be set in the appropriate corresponding weight in Roboto. When using non-Latin fonts, do not use the default alphanumeric glyphs that accompany the Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) or non-Latin font; rather, manually replace them with Roboto’s glyphs whenever possible.

CJK, Asian, Brahmic, Arabic and other non-Latin text should be set in a native gothic typeface comparable to the look and feel of Roboto: sans serif, even strokes and simple geometric forms. For most other languages, use Roboto, as it was chosen specifically to cover all required Latin, Greek and Cyrillic characters.

Best practices for multilingual typography:

  • Whenever possible, keep punctuation equivalent to and consistent with that of the original English version, unless it alters meaning or breaks language/grammar rules in the translated language.
  • When translating special text, for example: titles of books, quotations or references, match formatting to the style guidelines of the translated language. For example: in English, the title of a book or publication is italicized, Title of Book. The translated book title would be stylized, 《书名》.