
Our brand in motion

Video is a powerful medium for communicating globally. Our motion system expresses the connections members make through the community. We have established a signature look for key motion states within the system and designed transitions and details to spotlight the elegant curves that are weaved through the brand. When used together, the intersection of image, graphics and sound conveys it produces “moments of delight” at

the brand comes through in the creative.

Video templates and bumpers now available

User login/authentication required

Visit EO’s communications resources page to access our video templates for your local productions, logo files, as well as other print and digital templates. Get started on your local implementation of the new EO brand!

Don’t have an EO login? We can provide links to video assets for 3rd party vendors and producers on request. Please email us with your usage plan and requirements.


High quality footage is critical for

  • Don’t shoot vertical video
    It’s common to default to shooting vertically on a smartphone, but it does not translate well most professional video platforms. There is a time and place for vertical video, however, such as social media apps like Instagram or TikTok.
  • Use a tripod (if available)
    Holding the phone with your hands can create unwanted small movements in the video. If available, always use a tripod for a steady shot. If a tripod is not available, it is possible to take out those movements when editing, but it is always better to get a steady shot in the first place.
  • Don’t use digital zoom
    Smartphones are incapable of zooming with a lens, so when you zoom in when recording, you sacrifice image quality. If you need a closer shot, walk closer.
  • Lighting
    Face your subject toward a window for natural light. Watch the screen while recording to make sure the subject and overall composition looks good. Never place the window behind the subject, though—or you’ll be left with a silhouette.
  • Audio
    Record in an area with as little background noise as possible, including music, wind or other environmental sounds, people talking, etc. While it’s sometimes possible to fix audio in post- production, the cleaner the audio is, the better the final result.
  • Framing
    If the subject is talking to the camera, place him or her in the center of the frame. Your shot should only show the head and the upper half of the torso. Showing hand movements is acceptable.

Elements of our motion system

In-video graphics
Title and end cards

Typography in motion

Motion and sound

What we sound like is also important.