Branded items and swag

Branded Items + Swag

Learn how to create branded items

Merchandise and apparel guidelines

Branded items, or “swag” can be a great way to showcase the brand, drum up excitement and create an immersive brand experience. When creating these branded items, be sure to choose useful, high-quality products in order to leave a positive and lasting impression. When using the EO logo on branded signage and swag, ensure that all aspects of the logo usage guidelines are followed.

Download the EO Logo or your Chapter Logos below.

Merchandise and apparel guidelines

  1. Choose products that are high-quality and long-lasting, reflective of the way we would like to portray our organization and membership. Consider the following:
    • How long will a product last and what is its impact on the environment?
    • How long will it be used? Avoid doormats, rugs or anywhere else people walk to protect the logo from being stepped on.
    • How the audience will interact with the item? As much as possible, avoid things like scratch-offs, dart boards, disposable or single-use items. Our logo should not be damaged or treated like trash.
  2. To maintain the EO brand standards, logos should be positioned on the product in a tasteful manner to ensure the integrity of the brand.
  3. Use official brand fonts and colours only.
  4. Do not reproduce the logo in any other colour outside of the versions provided.
  5. Don’t apply the logo to low contrast or similarly coloured backgrounds.
  6. Ideally, only the EO primary logo or EO chapter logo is applied to promotional items. However, type treatments or titles of products, services and official EO groups (for example, regional councils, committees and MyEO groups) can be used in addition to the EO primary logo in accordance with guidelines.
  7. Consider the size and shape of the imprint area to determine which version is the best fit and use the correct logo for the space provided.
  8. Type treatments or titles of products, services, and official EO groups (e.g., regional councils, committees, and MyEO groups) can be used in addition to the EO primary logo in accordance with guidelines.
  9. Follow the minimum sizing guidelines for “other applications” such as specialty items and larger displays.

Some examples of branded items can be viewed below (for placement only).


  1. For EO employees ordering promotional items, please contact the Creative Team for swag artwork development and/or review.
  2. Chapter staff and members have the option to design and produce their own promotional items using the guidelines above. To coordinate the review and approval of design proposals, please contact the Creative Team.